School of Arts & Sciences

Theatre Arts Program

We Nurture. We Engage. We Transform.

The arts are essential to our lives!  Theatre art is an avenue to intellectual, social, personal, professional development, and enrichment. The theatre concentration in the Urban Arts major prepares students for careers in theatre and related disciplines through character, leadership, and service for building relationships and community. The program supports the following fundamental beliefs and values:

theatre perofrmance

Excellence, the highest artistic quality

Integrity, the highest standards of honesty and fairness in the pursuit of equitable, ethical, and professional practice. 

Lifelong Learning the best continuous training for artistry, knowledge, and skills

Service is our noble and worthy responsibility to our community

Diversity of opinion, freedom of expression and each person’s individuality. 

Creativity in all endeavors. 

Commitment to the arts and to the mission of the University its role in supporting the highest quality of life 

Intellectual Freedom for the ethical and scholarly inquiry in an environment that fully respects the rights of all in their pursuit of knowledge

Stewardship of Resources dedicated to the efficient and effective use as we accept the responsibility of public trust and accountability for our actions 

SoldiersPlay5769 interior theatre

The Theatre concentration focuses on the student as the center of the educational enterprise. We place a high premium on nurturing, engaging, and transforming the individual so that creativity is expressed with honor and value. Learn about theater-related jobs.

Our academic program is ably supported by Coppin Repertory Theatre, the producing arm and Coppin Players, a student run organization where our students collaborate, invest, and own the work they do.

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Learn about the Theatre Scholarship

Our Programs



Urban Arts

5 brown-skin young women each wearing a brightly colored shirt sitting closely grouped together with their arms outstretched and open

Current Theatre Season

Coppin State University Hosts the 84th Annual Conference National Association of Dramatic and Speech Arts (NADSA) - April 6-9, 2022

Coppin Repertory Theatre will host the 84th Annual Conference of NADSA, an association of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other arts/entertainment professionals from historically black colleges and universities across the country. Founded in 1936, NADSA is the nation’s oldest surviving educational theatre association. The annual conference features workshops, competitions, performances, and plenaries. Attendees use NADSA as an opportunity to network, build skillsets, and share best practices in the field.

Contact Us

The faculty provides nurturance through instruction, leadership, mentorship, advice, and interactive learning methods to engage students in theory, scholarship, practice, and community service.  In addition to the staff and faculty listed below, we'd like to thank the following Adjunct Faculty team members too:

Auditorium Technical Liaison


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor/Director of Speech and Theatre


Assistant Professor


Can Help With
Theatrical Design, especially Lighting Design
Theatre History
Theatre Safety



The Theatre Program is within the Department of Humanities in the College of Arts & Sciences, and Education.