Center for Organic Synthesis
Publications and Presentations

For the past four years we have published three publications with the Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism and we received National Honorary Recognition, from the American Physiological Society as the best published article in Physiological Research in 2020. Publication Titled: Identification and regulation of xenometabolite derivatives cis- and trans-3,4-methylene-heptanoylcarnitine in plasma and skeletal muscle of exercising humans, By: Hany F. Sobhi, Xinjie Zhao, Peter Plomgaard, Sean Adams et al and published to the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, PubMed32101032, February 26, 2020. This Publication has been selected by the American Physiological Society for APSselect (
- Synthesis and Characterization of substrates for grafting polymers used in medical plastica, Meghan R. Johnston1* Hany F. Sobhi2 Alaa El Hajjar1, manuscript ID : CDC- D-2-00085 submitted to the Journal, Chemical Data Collections, Accepted on December 08, 2020, Published on Chemical Data Collection 31 (2021) 100621, February 01, 2021
- Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 (CPT2) knockout potentiates palmitate‐induced insulin resistance in C2C12 myotubes, Michael L. Blackburn1,2, Kikumi Ono-Moore1, Hany F. Sobhi3, and Sean H. Adams1,2† American Journal of Physiology‐Endocrinology and Metabolism. PMID: 32459525 DOI:10.1152/ajpendo.00515.2019. 2020 Aug 1; Volume 319, Issue # (2): E265‐E275. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00515.2019, Epub 2020 May 27. PMID: 32459525. August 01, 2020
- Antifungal activity of 2,3-diphenyl-2,3-dihydro-1,3-thiaza-4-ones against two human pathogenic fungi" Livia Liporagi Lopes, Hany F. Sobhi, Lee Silberberg, Radames Cordero, and Arturo Casadevall. The manuscript submitted to the American Society of Microbiology Journal, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Manuscript has been assigned the control number AAC01358-20, June 27, 2020
- T3P-Promoted Synthesis of a Series of Novel 2-Aryl-3-phenyl-2,3,5,6-tetrahydro- 4H-1,3-thiazin-4-ones, Lee J. Silverberg,a* Carlos Pacheco,b Debashish Sahu,b Tapas Mal,b Peter Scholl,c Hany F. Sobhi,d Heather G. Bradley,a et al, published in the Journal of Tetrahedron letters, the Journal of Tetrahedron Letters, Volume 61, Issue 18, April 30, 2020
- Identification and regulation of xenometabolite derivatives cis- and trans-3,4- methylene-heptanoylcarnitine in plasma and skeletal muscle of exercising humans, Hany F. Sobhi, Xinjie Zhao, Peter Plomgaard, Miriam Hoene, Jakob Hansen, Benedikt Karus, Andreas Niess, Sean Adams, Cora Weigert: APSselect Volume 7, Issue 5 April 26, 2020
- Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization & detection of cyclopropyl heptanoylcarnitine stereoisomers, Hany F. Sobhi1, Sean H. Adams2 Abstract ID: 3342483. For Presentation at the 259th ACS Spring National Meeting & Expo, Philadelphia, PA, Division of Biological Chemistry, March 22‐26, 2020
- Identification and regulation of xenometabolite derivatives cis- and trans-3,4- methylene-heptanoylcarnitine in plasma and skeletal muscle of exercising humans, Hany F. Sobhi, Xinjie Zhao, Peter Plomgaard, Miriam Hoene, Jakob Hansen, Benedikt Karus, Andreas Niess, Sean Adams, Cora Weigert et al Accepted, and published to the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism , Paper #: E- 00510-2019, in, PubMed32101032, Volume 318, Issue 5 , February 26, 2020
- T3P-promoted Synthesis of a Series of Novel 3-Aryl-2-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-4H-1,3- benzothiazin-4-ones, Lee J. Silverberg*1, Carlos Pacheco2ID, Debashish Sahu2, Peter Scholl3, Hany F. Sobhi4, JoshuaT. Bachert1,et al , published in the J Heterocyclic Chem. 2020;57:1797–1805. DOI: 10.1002/jhet.3904, Volume57, Issue4 Pages 1797-1805 January 27, 2020
- Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of fluorescent labeling inhibitor for C.diff. binary toxins. Hany F. Sobhi1,*, Nataejah Clayton1, Purushottamachar Puranik2, Paul Wilder2 and David Weber2 , Manuscript ID 3108822. Presentation at the 257th ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL March 31‐April 4, 2019
- Disinfection Byproducts in Chlorinated Drinking Water. Malia Vester 1, Hany F. Sobhi 2 and Mintesinot Jiru 1,*, ISSN 2381-5299 Published in the International Journal of Water and Wastewater Treatment, Volume 4-issue 2 / DOI: November 20, 2018
- Improvements on Semi Critical Assisted-Solvent Extraction of Biocrude Oil from Spirogyra. sp Macro Algae, Tulio. Chavez-Gil1,3*, Hany F. Sobhi2, Alexis. Pacheco-Laracuente3, ID: 789- AJBB, American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, DOI: 10.3844/ajbbsp.2018, Published online April 18, 2018
- Recent Advances in Direct and Indirect Methods of Fine Particle Characterization Yvonne L. Fornishi1, Raafat Fahmy2 and Hany F. Sobhi1*, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analytics and Insights JPAI, ID: JPAI-18-048, ISSN 2471-8122, Volume 2 - Issue 1 | DOI: Published, April 05, 2018
- Synthesis and characterization of N, N′-bis(salicylidene) ethylenediamine Copper complex for dye sensitized solar cells, Hany Sobhi1,*, William Ghann2, and Jamal Uddin2 Manuscript ID 2908099. Presentation at the 255th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 18‐22, 2018
- Synthesis, 1H-NMR, GC-MS Characterization, and in Vitro Bactericidal Studies of an Aqueous Soluble Vanadium (IV) Complex with Dipicolinic Acid and Methylsalysilate ligands. Tulio Chavez Gil*1,2, Amanda A Robinson1, Hany F Sobhi1, Alex Ramirez Gonzalez2, Valerie Madera Garcia2 and Jonathan Vega Estevez2 , submitted for Archive Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Manuscript ID: AOICS-RA-18-127 , accepted February 20 2018, published / Volume1 (5) 2018, page 1-5. AOICS.MS.ID.000124. February 23, 2018
- Advances in Fatty Acid Analysis for Clinical Investigation and Diagnosis using GC/MS Methodology , Meghan R. Johnston#, 1 and Hany F. Sobhi*, #, 2, Manuscript # JBAS-2-111 submitted to the Journal of Biochemistry and Analytical Studies, on 09 Nov 2017; Accepted on December 12 2017, and Published ISSN 2576-5833 / Volume 3(1): doi December 21, 2017
- Water quality in the Baltimore’s watersheds: a physicochemical analysis, M. Vester, D. Solomon, A. McCullough, T. Warrington. J. George, T. Colbert, T. Roth, M. Jiru, and H.F. Sobhi. 23rd Annual Maryland Water Monitoring Council Conference (MWMC)” Managing Water Quality in a Changing World” Maritime Institute in Linthicum December 8, 2017
- Synthesis and characterization of free and copper (II) complex of N, N Bis (salicylidene) ethylene- diamine and their application in dye sensitized solar cell, William Ghann1, Hany Sobhi2, Hyeonggon Kang1, Tulio Chavez-Gil1, Fred Nesbitt1 & Jamal Uddin1 , Manuscript submitted for publication in the Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 2017, 5, 46-66 , Accepted on May 17 2017, Published June 29 2017
- Synthesis and characterization of lipophilic Acyl – Coenzyme A Thioesters for Clinical Diagnosis of Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorder Hany F. Sobhi1, Sean Adams2, ID: 2726169. 45 th ACS- MARM – American Chemical Society Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, | Hershey, PA. June 4‐6, 2017
- Photophysical, electrochemical and photovoltaic properties of Porphyrin-based Dye Sensitized Solar Cell" William Ghann1, Tulio Chavez-Gil2 Hany Sobhi1, Hyeonggon Kang1, , Fred Nesbitt1 & Jamal Uddin1 Manuscript ID: 1510550 Submitted March 23 2017, accepted on April 08 2017, Published: Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry (AMPC), 2017, 7, 148-172, May 17 2017
- Synthesis & spectroscopic characterization of xenometabolite, biomarkers for the diagnosis of fatty acid β- oxidation disorder. Hany F. Sobhi1, Sean Adams2, Miriam Ekwuru3, and Precious Teasley3 , ID: 2669611. BIOL 204. 253rd American Chemical Society | San Francisco, CA. APRIL 2‐6, 2017
- More studies on cyclic six- and seven-membered 2,3-diaryl-1,3-thiaza-4-ones. L.J. Silverberg,H. Yennawar, C.N. Pacheco, H.F. Sobhi, ID: 2649070. – ORGN 399. 253rd American Chemical Society | San Francisco, CA APRIL 2‐6, 2017
- Functions of fungal melanin beyond virulence. Radames JB Cordero1*, Vincent Robert2, Gianluigi Cardinali3, Hany Sobhi4, Arturo Casadevall1. Oral presentation at the 6 th meeting of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, ISHAM on Black Yeasts, Viterbo,Italy September 15‐17, 2016
- Synthesis and Spectroscopic characterization of acyl carnitine derivatives, for the diagnosis of fatty acid β-oxidation disorder, Hany F Sobhi 1-2,*, Kazim Ackie1 , and Anster J Charles1 . ID: 2501483. 44 th ACS- MARM – American Chemical Society Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, | Riverdale, NY.June 9‐12, 2016
- Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Hydroxytyrosol derivatives: An antioxidant agent with potential cell protection against free radicals that cause cell damage, Tamla R Lionel1, Charlyne Smith2, and Hany F Sobhi 1-2*23rd Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Science Research Symposium Morgan State University, April 14, 2016.
- New route for the Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones using Microwave based methodology Chelsee Sauni1-2, Kache Woods1-2, and *Hany Sobhi1-2*. 23rd Annual Undergraduate and Graduate Science Research Symposium Morgan State University, April 14, 2016.
- Synthesis & characterization of acyl carnitine derivatives, for the diagnosis of fatty acid β- oxidation disorder, Hany F Sobhi a-b,*, Anster J Charles a and Aisha Ward a. 2 nd UAE Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry | ECPAC16, Sharjah –UAE March 1-4, 2016
- The Evolution Of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction And The Role Of Nanobiotechnology In The Development Of Intelligent Abdominal Wall Prostheses Cherif Boutros MD, MSc1, Hany F. Sobhi PhD1, Nader Hanna MD, FACS, FICS1 Chapter number 13 of a new book titled “Biomedical Materials and Diagnostic Devices” edited by Ashutosh Tiwari, Hisatoshi Kobayashi and Anthony P. F. Turner / Pub Date: August 30, 2012/ISBN: 9781118030141, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan. Publisher: Scrivener Publishing LLC, USA, August, 04, 2012.
- Solid State Studies of Drugs and Chemicals by Dielectric and Calorimetric Analysis Dhruthiman R Mantheni [1], M P K Maheswaram [1], Hany F. Sobhi [1], [2]Alan T. Riga [1], [3],[4], M Ellen Matthews [3], K. Alexander [4] Published Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, JTAC DOI: 10.1007/s10973-011-1423-y, Volume 108, Number 1 Pages227- 233, April 01, 2012
- Synthesis and characterization of cis-4-decenoyl-CoA, 3-phenylpropionyl-CoA, and 2,6- dimethylheptanoyl-CoA. Hany F. Sobhi , Paul E. Minkler and, Charles L. Hoppel. Analytical Biochemistry, 401 (2010) 114–124, ISSN: 1096-0309, DOI:10.1016/j.ab.2010.02.026 April 07, 2010
- β-Keto-octanoyl-Coenzyme A: Chemical synthesis and characterization. Sobhi, Hany F.; Minkler, Paul E.; Hoppel, Charles L. Abstracts of Papers, 239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, United States, March 21-25, 2010 (2010), ORGN-322. CODEN: 69MML8 AN 2010:345596 March 25, 2010.
- Evolution of Targeted Hepatic Therapy and Development of Intelligent Carrier Using Nano Technology. Hany F. Sobhi1, Cherif Boutros2, Jamal Uddin1, Nader Hanna2; Abstracts of Papers, AACR, American Association for Cancer Research, Special Conference on Nano in Cancer: Linking Chemistry, Biology, and Clinical Applications In Vivo, Miami, FL January 12‐ 15, 2011.
- Evaluation of Acylphosphine Oxide Polymerization Initiators Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Hany F. Sobhi, John M. Masnovi, and Alan T. Riga. Published , The Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry -JTAC-D-09-00623- DOI : 10.1007/s10973-010- 0731-y. ISSN: 1388-6150, 1572-8943 Volume 101, Number 3, 1065-1069, March 26, 2010
- Synthesis and Characterization of Lipophilic CoenzymeA, Thioester Derivatives from Non- Standard Medium Chain Fatty Acids. Hany F. Sobhi, Paul E. Minkler and, Charles L. Hoppel. Awarded poster presentation Research Showcase, Case Western Reserve University- Department of Pharmacology and Medicine, Center for Mitochondrial Diseases, Cleveland, Ohio April 16, 2009
- Selecting Polymers for Medical Devices based on Thermal Analytical Methods. H.Sobhi, M. Ellen Matthews, B. Grandy, J. Masnovi and, A.T. Riga Vol. 93 (2008) 2, 535-539 The Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. ISSN: 1388-6150, May30, 2008
- Polymerization of Monomers Used in Dentistry Catalyzed by Synthetic Acylphosphine oxides and Measured by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. H. Sobhi, I. Awadeh, L. Primiano, A. Pallam, J. Masnovi, and A. Riga, Poster presentation for the 36 th Annual Conference on Thermal Analysis and applications – Atlanta, Georgia (NATAS- 2008) Reference number 192 August 20, 2008.
- Identifying patentable and statistically significant forensic properties of polymeric fibers and films using thermal analysis. Hany Sobhi, K. Grandhi, A. Riga, A. O’Connor Poster presentation for the ICSAM - 2007 Conference in Patras, Greece September 1, 2007