John Magness CPT, CSCS, M.S., PhD
1st Floor, Room 103
2500 W North Ave
Baltimore, MD 21216
Dr. John Wesley "Wes" Magness earned his doctoral degree from the Concordia University of Chicago in Sports Leadership and Administration and is currently an Assistant Professor of Sport Management in the Department of Management and Marketing at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Magness has also taught as an Adjunct Professor at Anne Arundel Community College, Baltimore City Community College, and the United States Sports Academy. Dr. Magness has over 40 years of experience coaching, training, and mentoring youth athletes. His focus is on the holistic development of the athlete during and after their careers. Dr. Magness holds numerous certifications in strength and conditioning, health, wellness, and fitness. A member of (NASM)National Academy of Sports Medicine, (ACE)American Council on Exercise, and (NSCA) National Strength and Conditioning Association, and the American College of Sports Medicine, and (NAY's) National Alliance for Youth Sports. Dr. Magness was the leader in creating the Esports Management Certificate program.
Dr. Magness, a Navy veteran, currently works with and volunteer trains Paralympic athletes through the Veterans Administration and non-profit organizations for global competition. A dedicated student-first and focused instructor focuses on the practical application of theory, critical thinking, leading, and serving.
Baltimore International College: Associate of Applied Science, Professional Cooking - 1996
Coppin State University: Bachelor of Science, Sport Management - 2009
California University of Pennsylvania: Master of Science, Exercise Science - 2010
Concordia University of Chicago: Doctor of Philosophy, Sport Leadership - 2017
National Academy of Sports Medicine(NASM): Volunteer Special Populations Trainer, Personal Trainer, Instructor, Senior Fitness Specialist, Youth Exercise Specialist, Behavior Change Specialist, Fitness & Nutrition Specialist, Certified Virtual Fitness Coach
American Council on Exercise (ACE): Instructor: Certified Instructor Personal Trainer, Certified Instructor: Health Coach
Veterans Administration: Volunteer Sports Performance Coach Disabled & Paralympic Athletes
Youth to professional athlete, health, wellness, education, development, and post-career transition.
Strength & conditioning, coaching, health & fitness management, and organization.
Youth sports organizations.
Dontae P. Young Leadership Award Coppin State University School of Education: 2009.
Eagle Award Highest GPA Coppin State University School of Education: 2009.
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