5th Floor, Room 514
2500 W. North Ave
Baltimore, MD 21216
Dr. Darlene Brothers-Gray serves as Coordinator/Assistant Professor of Forensic Investigations in the Criminal Justice Department. Dr. Brothers-Gray earned her PhD in Criminal Justice from Capella University in 2020, an MS in Forensic DNA and Serology from the University of Florida, and an MS in Forensic Investigations from National University. She previously served as the Coordinator for the Forensic Science Program at Gulf Coast State College, a Crime Scene Investigator with the Atlanta Police Department and a Fingerprint Identification Technician with the Atlanta Police Department. Research interests focus on Untested Sexual Assault Kits, Crime Scene Investigations and Fingerprints. Her work is displayed on episodes in “The First 48”.
2023 Brothers-Gray, D. (2023). Three Year Follow-up on the Backlogged Rape Kits. Sexual Assault Report. Manuscript in Preparation.
2023 Brother-Gray, D. (2023). Lessons Learned as a Woman of Color in Crime Scene Investigations. Journal of Autoethnography. Manuscript in Preparation.
2021 “The Phenomenon of Untested Sexual Assault Kits” (Cambridge Scholars Publishing.)
2020 Brothers-Gray, D. (2020). Perceptions of University Law Enforcement Officials’ Regarding Unsubmitted, Untested Sexual Assault Kits. In Press.
Coordinator, Forensic Investigations
PhD, Criminal Justice, Capella University, 2020
MFS, Forensic DNA & Serology, University of Florida, 2010
MS, Forensic Investigations, National University, 2009
Member, American Academy of Criminal Justice member, International Association for Identification
Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault Kits, Latent Fingerprints
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