Office of Planning and Assessment
Welcome to the Office of Planning and Assessment on the web. As Associate Vice President, Office of Planning and Assessment, I subscribe to the premise that strategic institutional planning is an essential component of any initiative whose primary purpose is greater institutional efficiency and effectiveness. These activities are led by the Office of Institutional Research and the Office of Assessment in conjunction with the Office of Planning and Assessment. One of the ways we are able to achieve strategic planning is through the collaborative efforts of faculty, staff, and students. In addition, the University's accrediting authorities require evidence of institutional efficiency and effectiveness through comprehensive strategic planning. These regional and national accrediting commissions that accredit the University and require evidence of ongoing comprehensive strategic planning in cude: The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, the Maryland State Department of Education, the National League for Nursing, the Maryland State Board of Nursing Examiners, the National Council on Social Work Education, and the Council on Rehabilitation Education.
Moreover, integrated strategic planning processes encompass on-going assessment, study, review, and development. These continuing steps have enabled us to create and advance our mission and vision statements in a systemic way, positioning us for a more visible presence in the 21st century. Most recently, the Coppin family, led by the Planning Council (see related link on this web page for a list of members) completed its site visit and was reaffirmed on June 27, 2008, by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. (To read the report, see related links on this web page.) At its board meeting held in June 2008, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education acted to reaffirm our accreditation for the next 10 years and commended the University for hosting an exceptional visit.
We urge your comments about any of the documents on this website, especially the University's strategic plan, Coppin State University in 2010. Together, they tell the story of our past, our present and our emerging presence. I look forward to hearing from you.

Institutional Profile
President: Dr. Anthony L. Jenkins
Founded: 1900
Fall 2024 Enrollment: 2,210
Degrees Awarded: 357 (as of 11/13/2024)
Academic Programs: 62
- Baccalaureate: 32
- Master’s: 14
- Certificates: 15
- Doctorate: 1
Institutional Effectiveness
In conjunction with the Office of Planning and Assessment, the Office of Assessment has responsibilities for coordinating assessment efforts at CSU. CSU Assessment process answers two critical questions:
- How is institutional effectiveness assessed at CSU through the use of strategic goals and objectives?
- How are assessment data and results used to improve policy formation, budget and fiscal planning, curriculum and student development, and teaching and learning?
It is a centralized university resource designed to inform planning and policy decisions in a wide range of academic and administrative areas. Since academic year 2005-2006, the Office of Assessment has focused its efforts on training and development, survey development, assessment, educational research, and strategic planning. It provides critically important reporting, assessment, benchmarking, planning, and services to support institutional effectiveness while responding to the needs of the university community. An ongoing assessment process consists of data collected in four broad categories: internal program review, external program review, formal and informal testing, and follow-up studies.